Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stars What Is The Difference Between Binary And Double Stars?

What is the difference between binary and double stars? - stars

I'm really confused, I'm looking for two stars, double stars and variable stars. However, after all the information I gathered, it seems that the double stars and double stars are exactly the same things! What is the difference!


Geoff G said...

You are not the same. Double stars are real physical systems in which the two stars orbiting each other. Double stars are binaries, as well as visual doubles, where two stars are done in a direct line of sight, but are not physically close to each other and do not constitute a physical system.

Variable stars vary in brightness. Some are close binary stars where one star eclipses the other varies, but most variables are in the star itself inherent in the brightness of the astrophysical processes happening in the atmosphere.

DLM said...

Binary and double rooms are almost identical.

All binaries are two different things.

Most rooms are binary.

The difference is between a real double bed and double vision.

A "true dual" binary star two stars orbiting around a common cenet gravity.

A "Double Vision" star, is when two stars appear on the same line of sight from Earth to see. But they are not bound by gravity. They appear as a double star, the angle we see. Several times in the "Vision" Double Stars, it's much, much closer than the others, so that it "looks", the two stars that are close together.

True binaries are really close together.

Variable stars:
A star that ranges "highlighted.

There are basically two types (there are more, but most are sub-categories and I want you) is no longer confused.

Eclipsing binaries:
A true Double Star, where the two stars orbiting each other. Land, weakFirst in its orbit, passing in front of a bright, partially blocking its light, the creation of a "variation", in the clarity of the system of "stars" in its entirety.

Cephied variables:
Have the stars, the differences in their brightness. They are actually recognized for the removal of many galaxies, if a Cephied can be detected. Because we know that its actual size and light diminshes by the square of the distance may be the distance to the brightness of an (R Edwin Hubble of them!) Calculating ... Wikipedia can explain these stars, very good and accurate ...

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