Monday, February 22, 2010

Building A Supercritical Extractor Is This How To Build A Supercritical Fluid Extractor? It Is For Making Herbal Extracts And Essential Oils.?

Is this how to build a supercritical fluid extractor? it is for making herbal extracts and essential oils.? - building a supercritical extractor

I read of little use butane, but I want to continue with the insurance company solvent, C02. more butane is a volume too small. 10L I want more. I think the adjustment of a pressure cooker. I learned that the critical pressure of CO2-1100 psi, which is greater than it is in the package. i heat of the kitchen, while I reach the pressure-pressure? critical temperature for CO2 88F and I have over anyway. If you know what I now think it could be the oven to heat while pumping CO2 from the right pressure and temperature at which I had a valvular lesion on the underside of a sentence, remains open pan to reach the top .. critical work? Is there a better way? If I make something dangerous or illegal, without licena? Answers appreciated.


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